Interventional {{label}}

rTMS in Treatment of Spasticity

Please note: All trial information reflects the latest data available from the sponsor on and other public databases. However, these sources may occasionally be outdated or inaccurate. For the most current information, we recommend contacting the trial sponsor or sites directly.


{{trial.Sponsor}} {{trial.Sponsor}}
Approved by FDA
Approved outside USA
Is a supplement


Enrollment Criteria

{{trial.ExternalId}} (First Published: {{trial.FirstPublishedDate|date}} on {{trial.SourceName}})
This is an open-label clinical trial to determine the safety and efficacy of rTMS in reducing spasticity and improving quality of life among patients with upper motor neuron predominant motor neuron disease (MND).

The study's objective is to evaluate the role of rTMS for symptom reduction of spasticity among patients with upper motor neuron predominant motor neuron disease. This study is 12-week open label safety and efficacy trial. A total of 10 subjects with PLS and UMN/ MND will be enrolled in this study.

Inclusion Criteria
- Age ≥ 18, men or woman
- Diagnosis of upper motor neuron predominant ALS, which also includes patients with
primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), as defined as only upper motor neuron features in at
least 2 body segments.
- EMG within 3 months of enrollment with minimal or no evidence of lower motor neuron
- Time from symptom onset > 18 months
- On a stable dose of, or has not taken, Riluzole for at least thirty days.
- Has not taken, or has received at least 2 cycles of dosing of, Edaravone prior to
- Able to communicate clearly the desire to withdraw from the procedure at any stage.
- Impaired walking as measured by a Hauser Ambulation index of greater than 1 and less
than 7 (2 to 6, inclusive).
- MMSE ≥ 22 and deemed by the PI as being capable of providing informed consent and
following trial procedure.
- Has spasticity, equal or above 1 in the Ashworth Scale for spasticity in 2 or more
muscle group of at least 3 months duration.
- Absence of exclusion criteria.
Exclusion criteria
- Patient has a history of drug or alcohol abuse within the past year;
- Patient has clinically significant abnormal laboratory values.
- Any concomitant disease or disorder that has spasticity-like symptoms or that may
influence the subject's level of spasticity
- Received Botulinum Toxin during the preceding 6 months
- Bedridden and patients with tracheostomy.
- Fixed-tendon contractures
- Poorly controlled epilepsy or recurrent seizures (Subjects who have had one or more
seizures in the year prior to Visit 1 will be excluded)
- Unable to provide an informed consent
- Unable to comply with the procedures
- Unable to communicate clearly if the subject wants to withdraw from the procedure at
any stage
- History of brain surgery for any indication
- Has pacemaker, cochlear implants, brain stimulators, infusion pumps, intracardiac
lines, metallic clips, other implanted electronic or ferroelectric metallic devices
above the neck (Dental implants are permitted), piercing or body modification above
the neck, known history of TMS related complications or side effects.
- MMSE <22.
- Female patients of child bearing period who are not practicing contraception.
- Female patients who are pregnant.
- Inability to perform either rTMS due to insufficient MEP amplitude (< 50 µv).

{{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
{{location.Facility !== '' ? location.Facility + ',' : ''}} {{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
Location Contact: {{location.Contact.Name}} {{location.Contact.Name}} Phone: {{location.Contact.Phone}}
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Thank You to Our Sponsors
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma